PDFix Documentation

PDFix Pipeline Runner

The PDFix Pipeline Runner is a command-line tool designed to execute automated workflows, or “pipelines,” for processing PDF documents. It leverages modular actions, each defined in a configuration JSON file, to perform various tasks such as OCR, language detection, and compliance checks (e.g., PDF/UA standards). These actions can either run locally or inside Docker containers, making the tool flexible and adaptable across different environments.

Typical use cases include:

  • Automating repetitive PDF processing tasks.
  • Ensuring compliance with PDF standards (e.g., PDF/UA).
  • Integrating PDF workflows into enterprise systems.

The application supports custom pipelines by chaining actions with input/output dependencies, allowing for seamless file transformation and metadata updates. It also includes logging capabilities and version display options for better control and debugging.

Key Features

  • Flexible Pipelines: Define and execute workflows using a JSON-based configuration.
  • Modular Actions: Support for both local CLI tools and Docker-based operations.
  • Dynamic Arguments: Use macros for referencing outputs between actions.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Error Handling: Customizable acceptable return codes for robust error management.
  • Logging: Configurable directories for storing execution logs.


Please contact support for the download link.

Pipeline Execution

Minimal pipeline-runner execution:

./pipeline-runner -p "path/to/pipeline.json"

Parameter Description

-p, --pipeline <pipeline_config>   Path to the pipeline configuration JSON
-w, --workingdir <working-dir>     A directory to store any input files and files generated during the 
                                   execution of a pipeline. A system temporary folder is used 
                                   if no folder is provided. (optional)
--log <log-location>               A directory or file path where execution log files will be written.
--log_level <level>                A level of logged information [none, critical, error, warning, info, debug]
--version                          Display the application version only

Pipeline Configuration

The configuration is a JSON document with an array of actions to be executed.

Defining Actions

The structure of this JSON is as follows:

  "title": "The command name",
  "actions": [
      "name": "action-1",
      "path": "<path to program>",
      "program": "<program CLI>",
      "args": []
      "name": "action-2",
      "path": "<path to program>",
      "program": "<program CLI>",
      "args": []

Action Definition

Each action is identified by a JSON node with necessary instructions for execution. Supported action types are:

  • local: A command-line application installed on a system.
  • docker: Embedded in a Docker image with the support of a command-line interface (Docker must be installed on the system to execute such actions).

Available actions are listed on PDFix Actions Marketplace.

Action Example

  "name": "action-1",
  "id": "action-1-id",
  "path": "/path/to/application/",
  "program": "${action_path}/my_cli_app -i ${input_pdf} -o ${output_pdf}",
  "platform": [ "windows", "darwin" ],
  "returnCodes": [ 0 ],
  "args": []

Action Parameters

Parameter Description
name A string identifier of an action. The action name can be referenced from argument values.
id A unique identifier for the action within the pipeline. Defaults to the action name.
path Path to the executable of an action. Optional for system-wide commands (e.g., docker).
program Full command for execution, including input/output parameters. Macros are recommended.
platform Supported platforms (windows, darwin, linux).
returnCodes Acceptable return codes. Default is [ 0 ].
stdout Handles application output (e.g., save to ${output_txt}).
stderr Handles application errors (e.g., save to ${error_txt}).
args Arguments passed to the program.
title Optional user-friendly name of an action.


args is an array of user-defined arguments used for execution, replacing macros in the program. Each argument has required properties:

Property Description
name Defines the macro name for replacement in the program string.
value Value of the argument.
flags Argument flags (e.g., 0x2 for input files, 0x4 for output files).
ext File extension for values representing file names.
type Type of argument value (string, int, file_path, json). Default is string.


  "name": "input_pdf",
  "desc": "Path to the PDF document you want to process",
  "flags": 2,
  "ext": "pdf",
  "type": "file_path",
  "value": "/usr/tmp/input.pdf"

Using Environment Variables

Environment variables allow dynamic configuration of the pipeline runner without altering the JSON pipeline configuration. This provides flexibility for setting parameters like input and output file names.

Learn more about configuring Environment Variables.


Pipeline Execution Workflow

This pipeline performs the following steps:

  1. OCR Document using the Docker image pdfix/ocr-tesseract.
  2. Detect Document Language with the Docker image pdfix/detect-language.
  3. Autotag PDF using the locally installed PDFix SDK.
  4. Set PDF/UA Standard in the document metadata with the locally installed PDFix SDK.


  • The input file is /usr/tmp/this_is_input.pdf.
  • The output file is /usr/tmp/this_is_output.pdf.
  • Intermediate steps reference outputs of previous actions using macros (e.g., ${action-id.output_pdf}).
  • Macros ${license_name} and ${license_key} are automatically provided by the pipeline-runner when a license is active on the system.

Full Pipeline Configuration:

  "actions": [
      "args": [
          "name": "input_pdf",
          "value": "/usr/tmp/this_is_input.pdf"
          "name": "output_pdf",
          "value": ""
          "name": "language",
          "value": "eng"
      "path": "",
      "program": "docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v \"${working_directory}:/data\" --rm pdfix/ocr-tesseract:v0.4.4 --name \"${license_name}\" --key \"${license_key}\" ocr -i \"/data/${input_pdf}\" -o \"/data/${output_pdf}\" --lang \"${language}\"",
      "returnCodes": [ 0 ],
      "id": "ocr_tesseract",
      "name": "ocr_tesseract",
      "title": "OCR Tesseract"
      "args": [
          "name": "input_pdf",
          "value": "${ocr_tesseract.output_pdf}"
          "name": "output_pdf",
          "value": ""
      "path": "",
      "program": "docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v ${working_directory}:/data -w /data --rm pdfix/lang-detect:v0.4.4 --name \"${license_name}\" --key \"${license_key}\" detect-language -i \"/data/${input_pdf}\" -o \"/data/${output_pdf}\"",
      "returnCodes": [ 0 ],
      "id": "language_detection",
      "name": "language_detection",
      "title": "Language Detection"

Pipeline Runner Execution from Java

Learn more about using Pipeline Runner in Java applications.